
I wish I could say COVID turned me into a loungewear-er, but the truth is ever since I left my job at the Montessori school and started my stay at home mom /work from home journey It's all I wear. Mostly for comfort but also because I'm always up to something, painting, baking, moving furniture, and I don't want my good clothes getting ruined. I love my rompers, but I pee about 100 times a day, and they start to annoy me.


Outfit Details:

Amazon Pj’s

La Vie en Rose Slippers (old, Similar here)

I love PJ's especially ones that match, but often I find the women's shorts are very short and uncomfortable. If someone comes to the door before I'm dressed for the day, I wrap a blanket around myself. Last month I bought some pricy Pj's so the kids and I could match. I love supporting local, Canadian made and understand why they cost what they do, but in the future, I'm going to save that money for something I can wear in public. I was tired of feeling frumpy in all my stretched out pj's, so last week, I ordered three new pairs off Amazon, and I love them so much I had to share. Finally, PJ's I'm comfortable to answer the door in. Each set is under $40.00. The button-up Pajama's feel like the $100.00 ones I bought last month. Urgh...$100 I know, right?!

When it comes to loungewear, you can usually find me in my Aritzia jogging pants, but I ordered this set from The Gap last month, and I find myself reaching for it all the time.

Once September hits, I'm going to force myself to get dressed in real clothes during my office hours. My sister will help me out with Bennett a few days a week so that I can work on the Blog and other media projects (I can't wait to tell you more about those) I'm excited to get into a new routine and have some really fun collaborations and projects coming up. What are you guys up to these days? Are you getting dressed or staying in Pj's?

Megan, xo