Outdoor Tablescape


At the end of every school year, we take the big kids out to celebrate. If they can't agree on a restaurant, we will go out twice. This year we decided to skip the crowed Friday night patio and have a special dinner at home.


When we got our first home in 2008, I bought two sets of ugly plastic outdoor dishes. I think I used them once, and after that, they sat in my cupboard for years. I didn't want to risk bringing my good dishes outside because if one broke, I wouldn't have a full set. Over the years, the only dishes that have broken are the ones Anthony flips in the kitchen. Yup, you read that right, he takes a dish throws it in the air, so it flips and then catches it in the palm of his hand. Don't worry Mom; he doesn't flip Gramma's dishes, I promise. When I started blogging about our tablescapes, I spent a lot of time arranging and rearranging my sets. It turns out I like them better when they aren't matching. So I have a few sets in white. If one or two breaks, it's no biggie.


We don't spend a lot of time dining in the backyard because it's all grass and uneven. We also have a 12ft trampoline that takes up most of the space. I wanted to make the evening special for the kids, so I took apart the kitchen table and moved it to the front porch piece by piece, lol. I have a hernia from pregnancy, so I can't lift anything heavy. ( if you know me, you'll know that it drives me crazy.)


I used my favourite candle holders, real dishes, my most expensive napkins, and ordered the kid's favourite pizza. Pizza Nova has the best GF crust btw. We sat, we laughed, neighbours walked by, giggled and chatted. We had a great time and made some sweet memories. I need to remind myself to do unexpected things like this more often!

Megan, xo