H&M Home Neutrals For The Holidays

I love decorating for the holidays. I have ever since I was a little girl. My Mom didn't have a lot of money but always made sure the house was dressed to impress. She often made decorations by hand, snowflakes, paperchains. The love and time she put into making the holidays special for us is something that I love sharing with my kids. I hope that they remember how special this time is when they are my age and with families of their own. I did spend a few years overly concerned with ornament placement and everything looking *perfect, but I realized I was taking the joy out of decorating, and those are not the memories I want my kids to have. Except for that ugly Red Gnome ornament, Morgan, you still can't hang that on my tree. Lol. I'll have our Christmas house tour on the blog next week, and you'll see that I used a lot of neutral pieces that can hang around even after the holidays. I've shared many times that less is more in our home. I feel my best and the most creative when our house is clutter-free and organized. Having pieces that can be transitioned easily for the current season keeps me on track. H&M Home and Zara Home are two of my favourite places to find affordable neutral pieces. Today I'm sharing some of my favourite finds from H&M. Make sure you are signed up as a member because they often have sales and discounts, especially on the weekend.

Buying pillow covers and not throw pillows is the best way to have variety without taking up a lot of space. This Merry Christmas pillow is under $10.00.

I have a variety of wooden bowls and boards and use them all year. In the summer months, they hold lemons, fresh flowers, and baked goods. During the Christmas season, they have greens, citrus, candies, candles... just about anything. I'll share more ideas on Instagram this week.

I have a whole bin dedicated to my candle holders, I don't need them, but I love them and use them often. One of the only times I mix metals, and I love using wood with antique gold, an easy way to create a beautiful tablescape quickly.

These little white trees are so cute! I have a few in the Christmas Tree and some of the shelves. When we have company for dinner during the holidays, I move them to the table.

I wrap most of my gifts in Joy Wrap but add a few traditionally wrapped gifts with fancy bows. I make sure that the wrap is recyclable. This pack of 3 is so beautiful and perfect for gift-giving year-round.

I hope this blog has given you some inspiration for your holiday decor. I can't wait to share my home with you all next week. Have a great weekend!

Megan, xo