Fun Ways To Keep The Kids Busy


How are you guys managing? For the most part, we are doing good! Some days are better than others. Because this week is March Break for our kiddos, we were more lenient about screen time and letting them dictate their day. Next week it's back to business! The kids need structure, and so do I, too many days of doing whatever makes me feel sluggish, and now more than ever, I need to make sure my mental health is in check. New baby (hormones) Worrying about the world, my parents, Anthony's parents, Bennett, work, money... etc. it's a lot.

I thought it would be helpful to share some of the ways we are going to keep busy over the next two or so weeks. One of the best ways to keep kids entertained and in one place for longer than five minutes is to build a fort. It doesn't have to be fancy or cost any money. We make them under the kid's beds, sometimes the closet (we keep the door open) under the table or between two chairs. Today Anthony and Kendall turned the kitchen table against the wall, Anthony attached a few planks of wood to the top for a roof, we draped sheets over the top and added some Christmas lights. I like keeping the forts on the main floor because I can keep a better eye on what they are doing and remind them not to leave any food lying around.

I painted the table on a whim one day and never finished the bottom, lol.

I painted the table on a whim one day and never finished the bottom, lol.

Our gang loves Movie night, but I'm getting a little tired of them, a few weeks ago we decided to make Friday nights game night. Some of our favorite games are scrabble, I found it, Don't step in it, and Snakes and Ladders. "Don't step in it" is not a game I would typically buy, but I knew they would get a kick out of it! We all did! Anthony stepped in it the most, lol.

Both the kids have an interest in learning to sew, for Christmas, I bought them both sewing kits Morgan follows the instructions, but Kendall does whatever she wants, she wants to design and make her own Barbie clothes.

Kendall loves making her bath bombs, I got her a natural kit for Christmas, but I can't find it online, so I've linked a tutorial from the blog 100 days of real food.


When the kids are on summer holidays, we spend at least an hour every morning doing worksheets and workbooks. I've linked a few of our favourites from Amazon below.

Here are a few free online resources.

After they've finished their table jobs, Kendall would usually work on her dolly dressing sticker books, and Morgan would build lego. Our favourite books to read together as a family are the Berenstain Bears, the books teach the kids valuable lessons and enforce the same values Anthony and I have.

I'll keep updating this post as the week goes on. What are your plans for the next two weeks? I would love to hear your suggestions. Take good care of yourself and remember to be kind.

Megan, xo

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