Easy Playdough for kids

I'm always looking for ways to keep my kids entertained. The colder weather keeps us indoors more than I would like, but everyone is happy if the kids are occupied. I still try to get them outside every day, even if it is just for 20-30 mins. Today is snowy and quite windy, so we are hanging out by the Christmas tree and getting crafty. I make playdough once or twice a month. It's quick, inexpensive, customizable, and a great way to keep the kids busy for a few hours. This has been my go-to recipe for the last few months. I used to make it on the stove top but wanted a way to make smaller batches. The recipe is very quick, and because you add the food colouring to the water before mixing, there's less chance of the colour staining my counters.

1 Cup all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon cream of tartar

1/4 cup of table salt

1/2 cup of hot tap water

20 or more drops of food colouring

  1. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl

  2. Then mix the food colouring into the hot water

  3. Slowly poor the water into the dry mixture, stirring continuously

  4. Once combined, start kneading by hand like you are making pizza dough.

Tip * store in a Ziploc or a container for up to 6 weeks. You can add a little vegetable oil if it starts to dry out.

If you try this recipe, I would love to see what you and your littles make with it. Please tag me on Instagram @megantesser or send me an email at hello@megantesser.com

Thank you for stopping by!

Megan, xo

KidsMegan TesserDiy, KidsComment