Healthier Christmas Spiced Cake

I'm always looking for ways to make our baked goods a little healthier, so when it comes to eating out or buying a treat from the local bakery, I don't worry as much about the amount of sugar or processed ingredients the kids are eating.

Ghee was new in my kitchen until a few weeks ago; I had never even heard of it. I was watching a food blogger on Instagram talk about the health benefits. So I did a little research, and I was impressed to learn that it has a higher smoke rate than butter making it perfect for popcorn and that it's easier to digest because it doesn't have casein or lactose. I found a big container at Costco and decided to try it, and we are hooked! I use a tiny bit less than I would butter in most baking recipes.

A combination of Coconut sugar and maple syrup is my favourite swap for the standard refined white sugar. Coconut sugar has the same calories as white sugar but is less processed, lower on the glycemic index, and is considered an anti-inflammatory sweetener.

Gluten-Free Flour Blend

Thankfully the choices have gotten better when it comes to gluten-free flour blends. I found a brand with 60% whole grains and seeds, which is rare because most are filled with white rice, potato starch, or pea starch, and they don't taste very good. Peetz S.M.A.R.T blend is Sorghum, Millet, Arrowroot, Brown Rice, and Tapioca flours.

I started a Youtube channel a long time ago and never posted or gave it much thought until I got my new camera last week, so I'm experimenting and trying my best to find new ways to bring you new content. Please bare with me as I'm learning videography and editing as I go. My videos will be very basic for now, but I hope that my vision for how I want them to be will come to life over time.

Thank you so much for being here and taking the time to read my blog.

I hope your family enjoys this recipe as much as we do.

Megan, xo

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