How To Clean White Shoes


White furniture, white shirts, white shoes! I love the colour white. It's so fresh looking and matches every style. Unfortunately, that perfectly bright look only lasts for so long. Here's a quick and easy way of getting your favourite white shoes back to their original glory.

These Roxy shoes are my favourite! They are two years old, so they've seen better days. I've been using this Laundry whitener for my slipcovers over the last year and have had excellent results, even better than bleach.

I filled my mop bucket halfway and added a full cap plus an extra sprinkle to the lukewarm water. I soaked my shoes for about 30 mins and then took a magic eraser to the coffee stains. Then I threw the shoes into the washer on delicate with my regular detergent and voila! As good as new! I recommend drying in the sun for the best results.

I hope this post helps gives your old whites new life! If you gave my method a try, I would love to hear how it worked for you.

Megan, xo

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