Warm Neutrals for Fall under $20

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The sun is going down earlier, and the evenings are starting to get colder. A sure sign Fall is around the corner. I've never been one to dress my babies in pant and shirt outfits. The pants are either tight on their bellies, too short, too long, or just too big, so I usually buy one-piece outfits to wear every day and only one or two two-piece outfits for special occasions. Is it just me, or is neutral clothing for babies at big box stores hard to find? I shop at Carters, H&M, Zara, and the Children's Place for Bennett’s clothing. This year I am so impressed with the selection of neutrals at Carter's for under $20! Not every piece of toddler's clothing needs to have bold colours or dinosaurs, lol.

I got eight pieces for under $100.00; naturally, I bought 2 of each of the stripped sleepers because I think B looks adorable in stripes.

You guys know how much I love all occasions, and this Turkey 1 piece was too cute to pass up. When he tried yesterday, the big kids kept hugging him and telling him how cute he was.

Where do you shop for your littles? And do you prefer neutral clothing, or do you like the bold prints and pops of colour?

Happy Friday, Friends!

Megan, xo

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