
Just like when I was a child, we celebrate all occasions. I have very clear memories of my Mum decorating our big living room window with treasures we made. I want my kids to have the same fond memories I have. We've been making our own Valentines since Morgan started school. This way the children can decorate and personalize them however they want. Not all kiddos love having a superhero or cartoon character on the front of their card. Morgan wants to keep his a surprise in case anyone from his class reads my blog, LOL. I love all the support he has for his Momma, he told me the other day I was famous because I have over 1,000 followers on Instagram. Bless his heart.


I made enough for both classes for under $20.00. If your kids attend a school that allows outside food, I would try doing a little stick of candy. 

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Heart Valentine's seem to be the favourite this year. Both Morgan and Kendall love these simple hearts with pencils. I purchased the card stock on sale at Michaels for $5.00,  bought one package of 16 pencils and got one free($4.99). I used my Cricut for this because Morgan wanted all his hearts to be even this year. I only have a small hole punch, so I doubled up the holes to make it easier to push the pencil through. 


Everyone knows how much I love my coffee. Every weekend the kids suggest they surprise me with a coffee in never happens, but the thought is what counts right?  I don't know about all of you, but on Valentine's morning, I would rather have a cup of coffee that I didn't have to make, personalized with a sweet message from someone I love. Don't worry Morgan I'll pretend I'm surprised by your beautiful cup cozy on Feb 14th.  


I saved my last carboard coffee cozy from Starbucks. Morgan picked out some pink cardstock, and we traced both sides. 


To keep things simple, he decorated before we cut out. 


Lastly we used hot glue and glued the card stock on each side. Morgan is great with the glue gun but smaller children might be better suited for a glue stick or even tape. 

Tasty treats become a problem at our house. I buy these cute little chocolates and candies and think I've hidden them well enough, but Kendall always finds them and eats them all! Morgan doesn't have a sweet tooth, I could give him a whole bag of chocolate and tell him only one a day until they run out, and I know he'll listen. I bought these cute little shape cutters for their lunches in September. Kendall love cutting fruit into shapes. It keeps the snacks clean but fun, for Valentine's I'll sneak in a cupcake or a brownie. 

Last but not least, our home wouldn't be fully decorated without a little banner. We used the leftover hearts from our classroom valentines and a little jute rope. Simple and sweet, just as it should be. 


Thank you for reading, be sure to tag us in your DIY projects using the Hashtag #MTblog and be sure to let us know what you're working on in the comments below. 

- Megan xo

Valentine’s Day Shop

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