
Baby Favourite Part 1 - Baby Gear

Good Morning!

Today I am FINALLY sharing Part 1 of my baby favourites. I cannot believe how long it's taken me to get this post together. There's a seven-year age gap between Kendall and Bennett, so I didn't have anything saved. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was overwhelmed with all the stuff we needed and how much it would cost us. With the big kids, I went entirely overboard. They had a million of everything, and I didn't want to make that mistake this time. If you've been here for a while, you know that clutter makes me twitch, and I was and am determined not to live in a babies r us. Bennett has been here for almost a year, and aside from a few of the main things we use daily, I haven't collected that much stuff. It's tough when he has A Nana, A Nini, and 4 Aunties who love to spoil him

I've broken down all my favourites into categories. I'll start with Baby Gear.

  1. Fisher Price On the Go Baby Dome
    I was so excited when this arrived. It's was one of my most useful newborn items. ​​2-in-1 portable infant play space, perfect for at home or travel with your baby

    • ​Dome can be used indoors or out

    • ​The canopy protects your baby from the sun's rays (UPF 20), and netting keeps the bugs out

    • ​​Two removable toys for engaging play

    • ​​Folds flat with handles for easy storage and travel

    I used to sit the canopy in the shade and attach his fan to the top, so he was nice and cool. I also used the dome inside when I needed to lay him down and didn't want to worry about one of the big kids disturbing him. As he got older, he sat inside and would play with his teething toys. 

  2. Angelcare Baby Bath

    All my babies have been on the chubby side, so I wanted a seat that they would be able to use for a while. Bennett is 11.5 months 26lbs, and he's still using this seat. With 100% supervision. I like it because it's easy to make sure he's rinsed off and his whole body is fully supported, so it makes washing him easier. It has a loop and hangs easily off a shower organizer. There's nothing that traps water, so I don't have to worry about mould or the seat smelling at all.

  3. Evenflo Classic Playard

    I didn't want to spend a fortune on a playpen because our other kids refused to use it. I hadn't even planned on buying one, but this summer, we joined Anthony on a work trip to New Liskeard, and Bennett needed a place to sleep. I bought the cheapest one I could find, and funny enough, he LOVED his pen and will sit in it happily for short periods.

  4. City select® LUX Pram Kit

    I had big dreams of browsing the malls with the baby sleeping in his bassinet, just like my other babies. Little did I know Covid was around the corner, and we would only use it during outdoor walks. I used a receiving blanket over the top with the bottom corner folded up to shade him but keep him cool in the summer. I attached the fan to the hood as well.

  5. City select® Stroller

    Morgan was 3 when Kendall was born, and that's when Anthony started travelling. I needed a stroller that would keep both of them safe, was light to push and had a big bottom basket. The City was perfect, we took it to Florida for four years, and even the kids were bigger 8&5 we still pushed them around Disney comfortably. I sold mine when after that trip. Luckily my sister had one that she wasn't using anymore and generously gave it to me. It has so many accessories and different seating combinations.

  6. Diono Radian 3RXT Convertible Car Seat Black Jet

    Peg Perergo Primo Viaggio 4-35

    Carseats are the most important piece of baby gear you will buy. I feel it's imperative to do your research on this top. These are the two that I have and love. If you want my personal opinion, send me a message through email or Instagram, and I'll let you know my thoughts. I strongly encourage you to make sure your seats are correctly installed. Carseat clinics can be found on your local government websites.

I wanted to get everything done in one blog, but it just isn't possible with virtual learning, three kiddos, a fur baby, etc. etc. So doing it in parts is the only way I can get it done. Next week I'll share my favourite Newborn products.

As always, feel free to email or message me with any questions.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. It means so much to me.

Megan, xo

OH SUGAR! I forgot about the swing! I’ll share that with newborn products.

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